Izakaya Seki: No ifs, ands, or butts… it knocks me off my feet

My iPhone is the most essential tool I own, particularly when it comes to blogging.  I write all my notes in my phone, and if my husband is not dining with me it also serves as my camera. Last week, my telephone crashed, and with it my notes and photos about a recent dining experience […]

East Pearl Restaurant: Sunday Night traditions

A Jewish man and a Chinese man were conversing.  The Jewish man commented upon what a wise people the Chinese are.  “Yes,” replied the Chinese man, “Our culture is over 4,000 years old.  But you Jews are a very wise people, too.”  The Jewish man replied, “Yes, our culture is over 5,000 years old.”  The […]

Green Pig Bistro: How Far Will I Go?

Green Pig Bistro makes it on my dining to do list because it’s been the subject of some positive buzz. I haven’t really focused on the details of the buzz because there are a few things holding me back from dining here.  1) it’s in Clarendon 2) it has the word pig in the title, […]

Mintwood Place is a smash hit. The TV show …maybe not so much

Rent, Wicked, The Producers, Book of Mormon, Aida, and Les Miserables are some of my favorites musicals. Next to a good restaurant meal, there is nothing quite like a good Broadway show to get my heart pumping. I’m also a fan of Glee (although it may be jumping the shark).  So when I heard that another […]

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Send an email to lorisue6@gmail.com