” One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever we are doing and devote our attention to eating.” Luciano Pavarotti, as quoted on a wall in Minibar. If any restaurant follows this credo, it’s Minibar. There is a great deal of eating involved, but it is so much more […]
Posto: For Pre-Theater (CLOSED)
As much as I cherish a Saturday evening dedicated to dining, sometimes a restaurant isn’t the main event on my agenda. My husband and I regularly join friends for dinner and a show, where the meal takes on a more minor role in the evening’s entertainment. Convenience inevitably becomes one of the determining factors in […]
Blue Duck Tavern Refreshes its Menu for Spring
Ask a DC food lover for a list of their favorite restaurants, and Blue Duck Tavern is likely to appear. I count myself as an admirer. I love the feel of the place, as it manages to be simultaneously elegant and informal. The waitstaff is abundant, attentive, and yet appropriately restrained. You’ll never need to […]
Aggio: Expanding a Restaurant’s Range (CLOSED)
Note: This restaurant has closed in Chevy Chase, Md. but is open in Baltimore. Change can be difficult, particularly as one ages. I have deep admiration for a friend, who at the age of 60 abandons his consulting business and enrolls in L’Academie de Cuisine. He plans to become a personal chef upon graduation. I […]
Fiola Mare: Mare Me
It’s not like I ever need an excuse to dine out. But I do have a list of restaurants held in reserve for special occasions. My wedding anniversary deserves a top tier restaurant, particularly since we are now at 31 years. Last year’s 30th meant dinner at two phenomenal restaurants- Inn at Little Washington and […]
Lupo Verde: The New Italian Kid on the Block
Is there a tipping point when it comes to having too much of a good thing? Will DC diners tire of new Italian restaurants considering that we’ve recently gained Ghibellina, Etto, Osteria Morini, Alba Osteria, Fiola Mare, and now Lupo Verde? Will 14th Street, bursting-at-the-seams with new restaurants, eventually start to see some attrition? We […]